Role of Weather Modifi cation Technology in climate change adaptation: Indonesian case
Tri Handoko Seto, Andi Eka Sakya, M. Bayu Rizky Prayoga, Faisal Sunarto
Climate change has caused unexpected weather and extreme climate which induces increase both frequency and scale of intensity of hydro-meteorological disasters. As a maritime continent and lies at the equator, Indonesia became one of the most affected countries by climate change. The event of El Nino in 2015 which costed up to 0.2% of GDP became a very typical case related to extreme climates. Instead of farmers are blessed by fertility due to surroundings seasonal regular periodicity and ring-of-fi re, the seasonal period shows a shift in rainfall and drought periods in the last 60 years. It thus affects the cropping pattern and damage the soil fertility. In an effort to handle prolonged drought and its effect on forest and land fi re prevention, the so-called rain making of Weather Modifi cation Technology (WMT) is conducted. Basically, the cloud atmospheric intervention is stimulated by sodium particles, the process of which is left naturally. The use of WMT for other purpose is to intervene in potentially heavy rain and water shed recharge. Activities of WMT are being introduced to accommodate the adaptation of climate change process. Several examples of WMT successful delivery are presented.
Ключевые слова
climate change; hydro-meteorological disaster; prolonged drought; Weather Modifi cation Technology
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